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Have you seen any small, zipping, trilling and colourful birds this summer? You have most likely seen one of the many warbler species that frequent Stanley Park! Yellow, orange, black and white, these small songbirds delight the eyes and ears. Want to learn more about the wonderful world of warblers? Join photographer and nature educator James MacKenzie to learn more about identifying local warblers, explore their life history, and revel in their beauty.

*Tickets must be purchased in advance. Fees for this program are based on a sliding scale – you choose what you pay!  Your contributions help us bring you more online programs like this one! Ticket sales close 30 minutes before the start of the program.

**This program will take place on Zoom, so please make sure you have Zoom downloaded well in advance of the webinar.  A Zoom link will be in your confirmation email and sent out before the start of the program. Only one ticket is required per household.

Photo Credit: Liron Gertsman


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