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NatureKids BC and The Starfish are excited to launch our writing contest for children and youth, with the theme of birds!
What inspiring encounters have you had with birds? What words and images come to mind? What is your favourite bird?


Submit your writing (maximum 200 words) for a chance to be published in the fall issue of NatureWILD Magazine and online in The Starfish Journal! Winners will also receive a $25 gift card to Wild Birds Unlimited, and the winner from the 14-18 age group will also receive a $100 prize. You can submit a poem, a personal story, a fictional story, or whatever you feel inspired to write!

Submissions close May 31, 2024.

This contest is open to children and youth aged 5-18 who reside in British Columbia.

There will be three winners chosen, one from the 5-9 age group, one from the 10-13 age group, and one from the 14-18 age group. We can’t wait to see what you create!

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