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Join us for a bird walk along the trails at Maplewood Flats with birder Joshua Brown to kick off the Greater Vancouver Bird Celebration!
Birds are a gateway to nature, inspiring connection to and appreciation of the world around us. During May, over 250 species of birds can be seen and enjoyed throughout the Lower Mainland.
Join the celebration through interactive bird walks, online events and webinars. Events and activities welcome beginners and experts alike.
At Maplewood Flats, we are hosting a Bird Celebration Walk to explore which birds can be found on-site!
Joshua Brown is a young ornithologist from North Vancouver who has been fascinated by birds all of his life. Joshua most enjoys showing others the birds of his home province of British Columbia, where he has birded extensively for nearly 20 years. He has diverse experiences working with birds and wildlife, including tracking endangered macaws through the rainforest in Costa Rica, monitoring seabirds on Haida Gwaii, banding migratory songbirds at Long Point Bird Observatory, and most recently exploring conservation issues during a three-month field study in East Africa. He is currently studying wildlife biology at McGill University.
Ticket Cost: Wild Bird Trust Member $8, Low Income/Student $11, General Admission $15