Common Name
Canada Goose
Species Name
Branta canadensis

©2007 Don Enright
0.7-1.1 m length | 1.3-1.7 m wingspan | 3-9 kg weight
The Canada Goose is a large bird with a long black neck, a broad white chin strap, a black head and bill, and a grey-brown body. They have black legs and feet, and a white U-shaped patch on their tail.
This familiar bird is the most common and widespread goose in North America. The Canada Goose has a very large range, and as such has a high degree of geographic variation, with multiple subspecies recognized.
Habitat / Behaviour
Herbivore | Fields, marshes, urban areas | Lives up to 25 years
Lives in various habitats near water including fields, lawns, marshes and lakes.
The Canada Goose is often found in open areas such as lawns, because these areas not only provide ample food, but also provide them with a clear view of any potential predators. Their diet consists of grass, vegetation, seeds, berries, insects, and agricultural crops.
Monogamous | Ground nest | 2-12 white eggs | 1-2 sets of young per year
The Canada Goose nests on the ground on an elevated surface near water. The female selects the nesting site, creates the large cup nest using down, feathers, and plant matter, and is responsible for incubating the eggs. Males are responsible for guarding the nest site and the female.
These birds are monogamous, and once they have formed a breeding pair, these pairs will stay together for life.